Here we are a little over a year since God called me and my family out to serve at Candia Congregational Church. As I reflect on the time and opportunities I have had through this past year I am so grateful. It has shown me more of the “behind-the-scenes” operation of church than I experienced previously. I used to think that pastoring at a small rural church would be straightforward, almost “plug and play.” Thankfully, God has removed some of that naivete as this year has progressed. This paradigm shift is informative to me as my family and I consider what God has in store for us next.

Many of you have been asking if there are any full-time opportunities that I am considering at this time and God has not brought that opportunity to me yet. However, this period of seeking direction has brought to mind something I wrote a number of years ago and it continues to help me stay focused on what is truly important… Christ’s death and resurrection.

I know that with where our world is right now there are days it is difficult to be patient…it is difficult to rest…to trust that God’s plan is the right plan…especially when we don’t totally know what that plan is. I pray that if you are going through a time of “What’s next?” or “Where do I go from here, God?” that God would use this poem to encourage you that He has got your back. He loves you, He will take care of you and He will lead you where He intends for you to go. Blessings!



Now what, God?

Why did you mislead me?

Direction is all I want,

Yet I am adrift in an open sea.



Adrift? Not on my watch,

Forty years in a desert,

Roadside assistance near Damascus,

A Commission directed by My Spirit.


Up on a cross,

Down in His tomb,

Over death my Son lifted high,

Far and wide my Grace covers all.


Direction you say?

East and West is my view of your sin,

Down from Heaven my Son came,

Up to Heaven He was raised again.


Up on a cross,

Down in His tomb,

Over death my Son lifted high,

Far and wide my Grace covers all.


Pressing forward again,

Christ’s faith guiding my own,

Reorienting myself to God’s “True North”,

My Polaris is shaped like a cross.